Melisse Cabral

Web Developer

Name :

Phone :

Email :

Melisse Pontes Cabral

+55 85 9 9961 6120


Student, myage years old, currently pursuing a Bachelor Degree at Computer Engineering at Federal University of Ceará. I had the opportunity to know a lot of programming paradigms and languages but preferably I look for web development tools and cross platform using mostly Javascript and NodeJS frameworks. I also code mobile apps, Native IOs in Swift and Android with Java.


Jquery Bootstrap NodeJS ExpressJS ReactNative Firebase ReactJs MongoDB MySql Docker SqLite



Web Design

Advertising and presentation web pages for companies.



Creation and renewal of logos.


Web Developer

Software development for various business areas.



Product Support and Maintenance.


Supervised Internship

University Federal of Ceará / Department of Health Municipal of Sobral

Write, review, and rewrite web pages, using JS, HTML, CSS, PHP and postgres database.

07/2018 - 11/2018

Institutional Program of Technological Development

University Federal of Ceará

Basic maintenance of computer networks

03/2019 - 06/2019


Bachelor's em Computer Engineer

University Federal of Ceará

2017 - At this day


IR Drive with Generic Actuator Device

Author - II CONAPESC - 2017 - Github

This report proposes to present the development of a residential automation destined to be manufactured in the Brazilian industry. They were used to carry out the project by developing free software like Arduino IDE. During the report, several development environments will be presented, targeting not only the hardware, but also the software and the results of the final object.

Telemetry Prototype Destinated to Formula SAE

Coauthor - II CONAPESC - 2017 - Github

This report proposes to expose the development of a telemetry destined to the automotive world, specifically for the Formula SAE competition. They were used to carry out the project, free software development as Arduino IDE and Visual Studio. During the report will be presented diverse environments of developments, aimed not only the hardware, but as well as the software. Obtaining as well as the results of the final object, as hardware, software, charts and graphs.

SPI Communication Between ARM CORTEX-M4 Microcotrollers TIVA C SERIES TM4C123GH6PM

Coauthor - II CONAPESC - 2017

The use of microcontrollers, more complete and complex than microprocessors, shows how technological advances can be increasingly present in our daily lives, such as electronic devices, security and monitoring systems, in an efficient and easily adaptable way through the study conducted microcontroller.

Square Wave Inverter for Small Porte Photovoltaic Systems

Coauthor - II CONAPESC - 2017

This work was developed with the objective of building an equipment called inverter for a small photovoltaic system, intended for use in small home lighting. With each passing day the energy consumption increases, as well as the search for other sources of it. An abundant, cheap and clean source is solar energy. Although Brazil has one of the greatest potentials for generating this type of energy, it corresponds to less than 1% of the national energy matrix.

CNC Printer Circuit Board Machine Using the Arduino and GRBL Open Code Plataforms

Coauthor - II CONAPESC - 2017

This paper presents the development of a computerized numerical control machine, CNC, using open source platforms focused on PCB, for research projects. Arduino and GRBL open source platforms were used in the design of this project, making it possible to build this type of machine at a lower cost.



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Iterative learning system for pharmacology teaching, ongoing development.

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System for laboratory access records developed during performance at the Laboratory of the Federal University of Ceará.

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Company presentation page and quotation and document generation.

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Bird Fly

Game Developed for Ios using Swift as final project in the discipline of programming paradigms.

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File system for access and management of the activities of the company Multiplic Telecom.

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System developed for the Software Engineering discipline 2018.1 - University Federal of Ceará.

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Radar Dev

ReactJs and React Native application for listing devs on your perimeter.

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ReactJs building for Simple Product Shop for droppingship and digital marketing.